
The day was gorgeous, the temperature was perfect, the sky was blue. The squirrel posed for me. Catchlights even!

The New York Times in an article about Ukraine said, "On Thursday, a crystalline fall day...." 

I think today, here, might count as, "crystalline" too. 

The article suggests that maybe the Russians retreating from Kherson was not a trick. The Ukrainian military advanced 100 miles in 24 hours and reclaimed 12 towns and villages. "As soldiers drove past, people stood on the roadside and waved. Some ran to the vehicles and hugged soldiers through the windows."

Pro-Kremlin commentators describe this as humiliating and a significant defeat. 

Europe, which was already working to replace fossil fuels for climate change, is trying to scale up efficiency and renewables as fast as possible. With national security as part of the mix the financial equation has changed. Amory Lovins said that there has been a rapid savings in energy consumption, 10-20% in some countries. Before the war Russia provided 45% of Europe's natural gas. It is down to 10%. Simone Tagliapietra said that Europe will manage to completely free itself of Russia, something never before considered possible. Russia may be making more money off fossil fuel now, but at the expense of its biggest market long term. This winter will involve heavy sweaters and cooking in microwaves instead of ovens and taking short or shared showers, but as efficiency increases and Europe has more renewable energy that won't be necessary. 

Way to go Oregon!!

Irpin, Ukraine is getting international aid to reconstruct. International architects as well as local ones are developing plans. First essential services, then windows and heating systems. UNICEF has funded construction of bomb shelters. The International Red Cross is financing the rebuilding of several residential roofs. The Portuguese city Cascais is rebuilding a kindergarten. Poland is funding a new temporary shelter. 

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