Windmill 'De Hoop', Rijswijk, Gelderland

Yup, we had Johanna yesterday, and here we have 'The Hope' again --

A MASSIVE THANK YOU for throwing me onto page 1 of the Pop page!  One doesn't turn into a 10-year-old BLIP blogger overnight.  I love you guys!  What a fantastic community this is!  Thank you thank you thank you for all the stars and hearts!  No other way but forward, so after windmill 306 comes windmill 307, and after 3650 comes 3651.

Spent the morning running after various notaries public.  AW had made an appointment for 10.00 at one office but the receptionist had forgotten to ask for his telephone number, so she couldn't call back to tell him that there would be a Notary Public Convention in town today and almost all the notaries attended.  Of course!  Anyway, we called law firm after law firm, and after a little more than half an hour, bingo!  I had to leave the city centre, but no matter, I got all the documents I had printed out last night, duly witnessed, notarized, stamped, signed, and my identity authenticated.  Altogether, 2.5 hours.

Then home for breakfast lunch, then some odds and ends until my 14.30 online appointment with the employment agency.  The talk was very 'hopeful', so maybe it will lead to something, but I have learned not to expect things, feet on the ground.  Time left for the hunt, and the weather was reasonably good, too.  Not as much sun as parts of yesterday, but a lot less grey.  All the while, I was feeling very, very cold and very tired, so I told AW just before he left for Thursday evening live bridge that I could very well be in bed by the time he got back.  All energy finished and I didn't even do kitchen duties.  A stressful day but all errands done.

'De Hoop' ('hope!') is standing in such a cramped bit of space.  When I took the frontal shot, my back was literally pressed against the wall of the house.  Oh, yes, the ellaphant was trespassing again, and there was a car in the circular driveway, and a dog barking madly inside the house because it could hear me, quiet as I did my best to be.  The location is actually at the end of a dirt road in a clearing, the kind of place where nobody will hear a tree if it falls.  

Of course, I'm going for Year 11 -- some 700 mills to go yet!

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