First Light on Lake Derborence

…. extra, afternoon light from more or less the same spot, I find it interesting to see the difference. 
A long and steep walk up to the Pas de Cheville where I received a message telling me an old friend had died alone last night, 2nd extra. Around five hundred years old, she just fell over so I was determined to get home to pay my respects. This old tree just behind our house can no longer direct people to us. Somehow, “You know where the old chestnut tree was” …  just doesn’t seem right. People are driving/walking to say goodbye as this tree was the oldest in the whole of our area. It is so rotten the local council will have to chop it up next week. As I left the sun set behind the woodlands below, filled with young chestnut trees, seemly bowing their branches towards their mother tree (another extra). As with everyone else I talked to, I am feeling very emotional. I doubt anyone saw this day coming. How much the tree had seen in its life. It gave so much pleasure to so many people (and dogs). Our family on the tree in summer 2014, those children are all grown up now!

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