Ripples in the sand at low tide in Belhaven Bay with North Berwick Law and Bass Rock in the distance.
 The walk between East Linton and Dunbar is quite varied and very quiet until the last section.   After passing the famous Phantassie Doocot we walked besides fields of sprouts and leeks and emerging grain crops towards the ruined Knowes Mill following the River Tyne to the ford.  Then we went passed more fields some of which had dozens of swans and hundreds of geese grazing among the young shoots until we reached the estuary with a huge number of seabirds including more geese which descended from the sky.  As the tide was out it was possible to walk along Hedderwick Sands noticing that further erosion had caused the collapse of more trees and the banks in which the sand martins had built their nests.   The track beside the previously dense wood at John Muir Country Park still bore much evidence of the devastation caused last November when it was estimated that almost three quarters of the trees were destroyed.   It was safe enough to walk across the sands before the tide rushed in across "The Bridge to Nowhere" and then along the cliff walk to Dunbar. 

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