The Look

While strolling downtown I came across these two actor-statues. So since I had some time to spare I hang in the background happy to watch the crowds going by and the attention they were paying to the actors. For a long time nothing happened, almost as if the actors were invisible, then the little girl and her mother came by. First the mother put some coins in a little basket in front of the actors and then they stood by watching the actors perform. Then the man gave a rather nice handshake to the girl, who was a bit shy. I took some pictures and almost went away but I am glad I stayed since when the mother and the girl moved away it happened: the mother had already switched the actors of and was looking at the next shop but the child couldn't resist but glance back to them!

P.S. I did give some money to the actors for being such a good blip-trap ;-)
P.P.S Now I think of it I'll probably try the same trick again given the chance ;-))

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