I've got the Moves Baby

Oh yes he had the moves alright and the pair were very unimpressed by my arrival into their space.

Deep in the forest today I went in search of the dippers; I'd seen two yesterday but at a distance but thought I could do better. 

Tracking upstream on the most gorgeous sunny day with a lens was just fantastic and when I was about to despair ever seeing any dipper at all I caught the flash of wings and followed. Tricky really as quite a bit of Blackpool Brook was inaccessible so you could lose them quite easily which I did. 

I had a pair in my sights but each of my shots is of the single bird. They are very wary so I was glad of my long lens but even then they were on the lookout and scarpered as soon as they caught a movement. Pleased to see them though as I was here last year and didn't see any!

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