
By LivingtheMoment

Calm before the.......

Fire Storm[

Choosing today's blipfoto is a difficult task. I went out with inspiration taken from seniormoments, elspeth et al...intending to capture shots of birdlife - ducks and geese...with a pocket full of bread to tempt them my way.
I was of to Ripponden where I'd recently seen a gaggle/flock of Canadian geese (about 30) when stopped by an emergency crew and told to take an alternative route. There was a fire blazing nearby and the road I wanted to travel on was blocked. Disappointed I took advantage of the moment and decided my 'blip' would have to be the near-by reservoir....with a solitary duck in view with a fairly impressive sky and sunshine as a backdrop.

On first seeing my shot I queried my lens and camera settings....there was a distinct reddish-brown line of light appearing on screen! A couple of hours later I was still in the area shooting a mere 8GB of fire, flames and smoke on the moorland around Cragg Vale ......

So, off to our local paper with pictures and WOW - I've been published!!!

You can see more by the following the link below:-

Thank you Blipfoto! What was going to be a rather 'ordinary' day unexpectantly turned into one filled with dramatic and exhilarating moments.

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