Here we go again!


Sèvres (square Carrier-Belleuse)

Another beautiful, sunny day! I did some exploring in Sèvres. I found Judith Cladel's childhood home at 9, rue Brongniart. There is a photo in the extras of the view of Paris from a street behind it. (See below for a description of the house by Edmond Picard from the 1880s -- it actually helped me find it! Who needs Google maps?)

It was striking how close the Cladel home was to the Ecole Normale pour Jeunes Filles in Sèvres. My main blip shows that school, with the garden in front of it. The leggy, November rose in the extras is also from that garden.

I figured I should see the porcelain museum since I was there. I had low expectations for it and absolutely loved it! It was pretty empty and had a huge collection of porcelain from all over the world, including some very contemporary and creative pieces. The tea service in the extras is just one example.

And this evening we had a really nice dinner with friends. J made what I think was his best paella ever (see other extra)! I'm very grateful for his help and support. I've also had lots of help from friends and colleagues lately - reading over work and offering suggestions. I certainly have lots to be grateful for!

(And here is Edmond Picard on the description of the house in Sèvres... "
Rue Brongniart! Après avoir passé le pont, on montait à gauche. C’était l’extrémité de la ville. Une rue récente, en remblai, en rampe. Peu de bâtisses. Sur l’accotement, quelques arbres. Au fond, en haut, une rangée de maison du faubourg, à collets colorés. Parmi elles, une plus sombre, en recul, lépreuse, sourcilleuse, tragique, avec une avant-cour, clôturée à l’alignement par un mur percé d’une porte basse. ‘La première fois que j’y fus, - me disait depuis Catulle Mendès, - regardant de loin, rien qu’à l’aspect, je dis à mon fils que je tenais par la main : Tiens, voilà la maison de Cladel! Je tombais juste,’ – En effet, il y avait entre cette demeure étrange et son étrange habitant une harmonie farouche et saisissante". (Picard, « Léon Cladel en Belgique », no pagination, follows, La Vie de Léon Cladel, Lemerre, 1905)

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