
One of the many things I find endearing about the old house we live in is this decidedly odd staircase banister.

The front stairs wind gracefully up from the entry hall. The banister and balusters are made from a black walnut tree that was growing on the property well over one hundred years ago. Clearly, a great deal of care and attention went into the making of this elegant stair, but then something went dreadfully awry once the hand rail made its final turn on the second floor landing, and ended up resting on the window sill, instead of being fastened into the wall!

Did the carpenter make an error in his measurements? Did he forget there was a window up there? Had he perhaps enjoyed a few too many flagons of ale during his lunch break? We'll never know, of course, but I do chuckle to myself when I imagine him scratching his head, and staring in disbelief at his bungled handiwork!

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