
By KareBear

Into the home stretch!

The timing couldn't be better, really. I began this sweater in January at a time when it was pleasant to be snuggled up at home, knitting while thinking my own thoughts or watching one of my two guilty pleasures - Dexter and Brothers and Sisters. Once I cast on the sleeves, working across their length plus the body, I could only manage four rows per episode. Progress seemed to slow, but rewards increased.
Now it's spring. This campus has become a wonderland of blossoming trees, vines and flowers. The sweater has become quite heavy on my lap and laps of the campus have much more appeal than sitting indoors.
So how perfect it is the today I could cast off the stitches for the sleeves and "just" knit the front. The work will fly and inshallah, I will be finished before it gets too hot. Next time you see this piece, I will be wearing it!

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