
By mindful_life

Anything is possible…

I’m in print.. it may not be my novels, but I have a piece published in the Trail Running Magazine! I’m so happy and proud. I pitched the idea to the magazine way back before I ran the race and they agreed. I submitted the piece just after the race and here it is, in black and white and all the colours in between.

It was a colleague of mine, Peter, that made the suggestion and I’m so happy I acted on it. When I started my challenges at the beginning of this year and I began documenting the journey, I wanted to inspire people to do something they thought impossible. To set those goals high and go for it. And if along the way I have managed to inspire just one person, then I have set out what I wanted to achieve.

Hopefully the printed article will reach more readers and they can be inspired too. To know that if I can take on an ultramarathon, so can anyone.

I would like to more articles on races and events I take part in next year so watch this space. But ultimately of course I would love for my novels to be published in print. This has got to be the ultimate challenge.

“This is how you do it:
you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy and it’s that hard” - NEIL CAIMAN

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