The Start of the Week

A decent start that went down hill rapidly, not a comment made on my honeymoon, but the meteorological conditions in Stromness today.
Spent twenty eight minutes in the Kirkwall Hall trying to do the dance is ‘Over the Volcano’’.
In the afternoon I went in past to see Davie.  Whilst I was there the blood collector called to take samples.  Some of D’s blood is analysed in Kirkwall, some in Aberdeen and some sent down to England.  This informs the specialists how efficacious his existing chemo is and whether any more can be provided.  Davie has a facetime call with the Leader of the specialists on Wednesday.  He took the opportunity to take some time to talk about the aggressive cancer he has (it’s making fissures in his bones), and how long he will have left.  His ribcage and upper chest area is very painful when he breaths.  It’s the most we’ve talked about it.  However, I remain as humbled as ever, because he spoke so eloquently about himself and without a shred of self-pity.

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