
One of today’s many jobs was to take the half dozen photos I’d had printed and then framed round to the hotel where people are gathering after the church service tomorrow. There’s a story behind the photos. Somehow the outer packaging had become soaked in petrol at the delivery office, but thankfully our lovely postie had the foresight to open the package and rescue the photos before the petrol had soaked through. The photos were undamaged but they did pong a bit.

Thank you for your kind words re the eulogy. After having spent days working on it on my own, I was getting a lot of interference from certain quarters (I’ll let you work out who!). The stress continued all day long today, waiting to hear back from the family friend who is reading the eulogy tomorrow, as to the timing of the reading. Heard from him at 7pm so now thankfully all is sorted.

My current dilemma is the timing of the refreshments. Do we let the hotel serve food as soon as people get there after church, or do we ask them to wait until we four arrive back from the crematorium, 45 mins later? Decisions, decisions...

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