
In this neighbourhood, your first clue is a little yellow flag and a yellow painted line across your lawn....oh no, not again..

Let the digging begin...

For several years now, our neighbourhood has been in some stage of digging....After the installation of sidewalks, the re-paving of all our streets, the replacement of sewer lines, and the re-construction of a bridge of over the freeway two blocks from our front doors..we have lived with trucks, dust, noise and chaos...and with cavernous holes in our front lawns and cherished trees sacrificed to "progress". 

So..there was it was again last week - that ominous yellow flag, marking the gas line that crosses my front lawn...warning for the next diggers to stay away from it!  But what diggers this time?

Apparently Bell Canada is bringing me the "world's best network technology"..Fibre optic table will be delivered right to my door so that I will have  the "potential of getting the fastest internet speeds available..and my property will be ready for the advancements of tomorrow".  If, of course, I choose to use Bell as my service provider...heh heh.

And so it is happening out there.. each day brings a new step in the procedure..I anxiously await the shooting of the fibre cable underground from the box they have installed in my lawn to a box on the side of my house...then my whole world will change...if  I choose to switch to Bell...

The excitement just never stops around here ... 

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