Double Shot Mummy


High Tea in Kuwait

We went to The Avenues Mall in Kuwait for High Tea. There was a large variety of intricate delights to sample. Maple loved it especially. Everything was the perfect size for her little fingers to grip and feast on. Rather a lot ended up on the floor, but there was plenty to go around. The service, food and presentation was immaculate. Disappointingly for Uncle Rock, I did take it one step too far and eat the one and only Mille-feuille (Sorry bro), but needs must.

The shopping aspect of The Avenues was also successful. I managed to get a gift for Oscar, Bailee, Maple and Stu. Oscar got 'Cars' underwear, Bailee 'Hello kitty' (Because I was never going to be one of those mums who fell into the character clothing trap....) Maple got some new sleepsuits (Size 12-18 months). Stuart got a jar of beautifully presented gourmet sweets. Unfortunately, the marble tiles back at Andy and Becky's Villa put an end to the expensive jar of sweets. I had to sift through and offer them to Stuart, "At his own risk".

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