I want the ball ... I want the stick ...

Oh ... I'll take both!

It was Deb's Brother, Andy's 45th Birthday today - so we met up with him for a walk round Tarn Hows, where the light was so gloomy, it felt like evening in the middle of the day. Then we moved on to Coniston, where we gave his dog, Bonnie, a good run in the edge of the lake. Again, light levels were insanely low, but I did manage this at 560 ISO thanks to the f1.8 aperture on the 85mm lens.  I did like this shot showing the perfectly erect tail and the almost horizontal ears.

When I got home the card displayed a fault on the camera, tried it in a card reader to no avail either, I'd lost the whole days pics! I got on to Grays of Westminster, who spoke immediately to Sandisk, and my card is being replaced. Sandisk's recovery software ($40) also managed to rescue my photos, and Blip.

Thank you to everyone for so many wonderful comments and faves on yesterdays view over the Scafells

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