Under Glasgow Central

The day started with a recce round Glasgow Central.  It was fun being taken around by, Drew, one of stars of the BBC Scotland’s behind the scene series Inside Central and a nice woman from PR, and Paisley.   Full of train gossip they were!  This is a shot of the old Victorian subterranean platform which they have cleared out and in which they are going to put rails and a steam train. The cove in the kilt was giving a group of people in orange baseball caps a somewhat colourful tour of the station.  Highly popular apparently.  

After that we went up to what will be our studio and met for the first time, off zoom, our script editor and our production designer and did a page turn of the project.  

It tipped with rain all day, not just here but at home too and V sent me video of flooding in the lane.  In the early evening we drove Jamie the director home and then went out to dinner in The Buttery a lovely old pub which has been a bit tartaned but in a soft welcoming way. 

Back and ribs were terrible after a bad night and I loaded up with painkillers and was slathering on Voltarol all day.    It’s more endlessly uncomfortable than screamingly painful, I’m finding it hard to settle in any position. 

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