
A game perhaps ... I’m not sure.
Certainly gamey ...not annoyed or anything.

Postscript - on another, more positive front, the mystery of the persistent tapping sound in the kitchen which just seemed to inexplicably start up a while ago has been sorted with a bit of focusing my mind on the problem rather than getting even more riled, some steps and have-a-go, a screwdriver and gaffer tape. Thank goodness, it was starting to feel like water torture...what with that and he of the dark triad traits ...
The utter bliss of silence.

Post-postscript - a rubbish night followed with ‘lack of safety’ nightmares of masked gunmen rampaging silently through the village like modern border reivers breaking in to the house through flimsy wooden shutters and I was trying desperately to find ways of securing old fashioned door snecks and board up windows.
I need to try and get this sorted out and not stay in this limbo any longer.
(Mind you, I did club an intruder over the back of the head with the hammer I had used on my kitchen problem ... perhaps not the solution to resort to in this case!)

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