Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


I still can't quite get my head around the fact that a late afternoon walk means some time after 3pm these days.

I had spent some time at my computer today trying to get webmail set up and working for the church website, only to discover that there was a configuration issue at the server end. Thankfully that now seems to have been fixed. Will give it another go in the morning.

I had also been amusing myself by exploring Mastodon, a social media site similar to Twitter and which a few people are joining a result of E**n M**k taking over the latter. A few online reviews and YouTube tutorials later I finally got myself set up on that (@chinapenguin@mastodon.scot) but time will tell whether it holds my interest in the longer term.

Dragged myself away from the keyboard and screen and drove over to Kirkintilloch for a quick wander around Merkland local nature reserve, arriving just before 3pm, they greyness of the darkening sky not helping my attempts at photography. Settled for a photo of one of the many carved animal figures around the park for my Blip. Oh well, at least it was a distraction from virtual blue elephants.

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