
The jedi and his grandad have such a lovely bond with each other.  I love to see the interaction between them. 
Some children with autism radiate to men more. This is definitely Carson.  He would walk past any female family member ( aunt, nana, granny ) and go straight to the man. He even does this with my friends husbands and if there are any dads at playgroup.  He even calls some men his dad . 

It's been a very busy day and we have not long had family dinner. 

The wildlings will be in bed before 7 as most of them are knackered.  Carson had Harper up at 5am. She doesn't do well on lack of sleep. 

I've had my arm out my sling most of today and boy can I feel it. I tried to sleep in bed again last night and didn't even manage 2 hours . I'm impatient. 

Apologies as I'm way behind on journals but will try and catch up.  

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