
I wasn't up to a Hobble this morning, both of us being a bit sniffly, so I wrote a letter to Euan, which was the last thing he requested before we left and popped Hobbler pal N's birthday present down to her.

After lunch I walked a circuit of the Moor for fresh air between the showers.  Apart from a few dogwalkers it was quiet up there and very soggy.  The sky was doing bonkers things, probably because it was between fronts.  At one side of the moor there were huge fluffy clouds and blue skies, whilst at the other all this grey, swirly stuff coming in.  I thought it best to head back down as I was dressed to be warm, but not wet.  I've decided to work my way through my Ravensburger jigsaws whilst the weather is poor and, indeed, the rain has arrived as I've unboxed the first of my collection.

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