Bugsy Malone

This afternoon we went to see Bugsy Malone at the Playhouse.  CyclopsJnr loved it - it's full of slapstick, good songs and this version had a lovely high energy "clap and dance along" type medley at the end.

I have a soft spot for this show, having appeared as "Fat Sam Staccetto" in a three night run by The Newport Theater (TNT) in 1992 aged 17.  You can see me (along with my arch enemy "Dandy Dan") in the extra - I'm the tall one...  I've dug out my copy of the libretto and sheet music for the songs I was in to show CyclopsJnr tomorrow.

The production was definitely "touring" rather than "West End" standard.  The splurge guns were pathetic, the custard pies lame, and the sound (especially vocals) poorly managed.  The energy on stage was great though, and the cast really brought out the intended slapstick and a whole new level of hammy excess in some of the characters.  

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