Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

365 Blips

Hi everyone!

So, here it is, my 365th blip. Sorry about it being almost a month out of date!

So, needless to say, it's been an interesting year. When I first started on here, I thought I would've given it up within a month. I never would've imagined that I would've basically shared my life story with everyone. Obviously I've shared my 'issues', and the support and advice I got from so many people was overwhelming.

Unfortunately, I'll probably never meet any of you in real life, but the friendships I've gained from this makes it feel like I've known you for years! You've made this weird, outcast, socially awkward Scottish teenager feel accepted and 'normal', an for that, I thank you.

I'm writing this with 23 subscribers, almost 24,300 views and 364 entries. It feels so unreal. Some of you have been with me through some of the most stressful, difficult times of my life, always there to lend some friendly advice. I'm going to stay on here for as long as possible, during my transition from childhood, (Well, awkward teenage-hood really) into adulthood. Thank you all for staying with me so far, and there's a lot more to come!

Thank you again!

Steven :)

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