Applying James' Truths And Sending Out OCC Boxes

It was a cold morning outside( and in some of our Grow Group classrooms), but the spirit of praise and worship that united our hearts as the congregation sang was warm.  The choir, orchestra and our talented accompanists presented a heart-felt and uplifting rendition of "How Can I Keep From Singing?", which was followed by more congregational singing.  before Pastor Wes took us back into James 4:7-10, where we learned  that there are five categories of commands that we need to know and put into practice.  The first thing we need to do is submit to God---not because we have been conquered, but an intentional placing our will under His authority.  Simply put, we honor what He says, how He says it, when He says it because He's the One who says it. There is much more in the Live-stream and it would be well worth your time to watch it.  We ended our service with a time of praying over the Operation Christmas Child boxes collected by our church body.  I have also included shots of the work of packing the shoe boxes into the boxes that will be sent on their way to the next step in processing in Dallas  

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