Amateur Hour . . .

By delaneward


This idea came from Grandpa George. And I thought it was a great idea. It is amazing what a little change in perspective can do, to alter the way we view things. This really hit home with me when we arrived back from the hospital and I picked up my 22 month old daughter Hannah. I always thought she was the most petite little girl and that she was so easy to toss around and snuggle with. Now that we have two little boys just over 5lbs each, I've come to realize just how much my little girl has grown.

I've come to the realization, not that I'm getting old (which unfortunately is true for everyone every day), but that my children are. Not only that but I am so used to seeing them that if I'm not careful it will happen before I realize it!

So to end my journal for the night, I will have to say, make sure you enjoy every second of life, or it just might pass you by!

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