as seen

By jankerman

Unwelcome Acrobat

Touch wood the improvement in my sleep and sitting of an evening continue. I accompanied Mrs A S and the dogs for twice the distance of my previous trip,(still not allowed to be on the bossy end of a dog lead) , they went on further and we all managed to stay dry.
Had this unwanted visitor to the bird feeders today, I had the long lens set up because earlier in the week a Woodpecker had made a return after a long absence. 
Today in the kitchen it was slow cooked pork chops in Cider mushrooms and sweet peppers served with baked potatoes and peas. I also made a cake that I cheekily cribbed from fellow Blipper Arteegeedee over a week ago, we will be sampling shortly. My rather feeble effort is in extras.
Tipping down with rain most of the afternoon and into evening. Safe and take care one and all.

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