
Poor little Merry asked to go mousing in our attached barn which is of course, unheated. It slipped our minds that she was out there until I heard a pathetic meow and suddenly remembered. She was frozen solid(not really) so we immediately turned the gas fire place to the highest setting. She cozied up in her round bed, an antique sieve, under the coffee table and settled in to sizzle.

A local and horrific news story made national news today. An SUV crashed through the glass facade of 'our' Apple Store at a lovely shopping area in a neighboring town. One person was killed and close to 20 others have life and limb threatening injuries. Rumors are swirling about that it was a disgruntled ex-employee who barreled in at 60 mph, on purpose. There is a criminal investigation, I hope the rumors are untrue, but unfortunately, it is hard to believe it was an accident knowing the pattern of the surrounding parking lots and roadway. A terrible local tragedy on such a traditional family gathering week with Thanksgiving on Thursday.

For the Record
This day came in very, very cold. Thanksgiving food shopping done. Everything was pricey, the store packed and lots of empty shelves.

All hands thinking of the local tragedy and the horrific Colorado shooting at a gay club. 

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