Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Wall of Words

Felt yet another rant coming on about dogs being tied up all their lives today - seen a couple of unbelievable things the last couple of days that have mightily pissed me off.
Trying to chill out with the overly negative blipping though, so I've counted to ten and calmed myself down (a bit).
This beautiful dog is in the garden of a house behind my university, and he sometimes cuts a lonely figure as he peers over the garden wall.
What astounded me here though was that when I looked over the wall to check his living conditions he's clean, living in a well-kept garden, has a good supply of fresh water, and has food mixed in with vegetables - all in shiny silver bowls.
So how can an owner that makes that much effort not then make the connection that the dog probably doesn't enjoy spending his entire life chained to his doghouse?

In other canine news, the army of dogs I mentioned here (the same breed as the guy above in fact) that were living in not-so-clean conditions in another garden have all vanished, the kennels and yard now lying empty. Hard to say what their fate is, hopefully they've gone out to other countryside homes as 'guard' dogs.

I could rant on, but I promised I wouldn't - and in lighter news, one of my students has just joined the blip community to share some snaps and practice her English.
Pop over and give her a warm welcome here if you like.
I'll be interested to see if she sticks at it, because whenever I ask what she's up to, she always seems to be the busiest person in the world!

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