So rainy again

I had a hospital appointment this morning - an ear and hearing test as part of the ongoing investigations into my balance problem. The ENT department shares premises with the maternity hospital, at the top of one of the steepest hills in Bristol. And it’s not on a bus route. So I was pretty wet and out of breath when I arrived - though it was not as hard as when I was 8 months pregnant:)
On the way I saw this amazing wall painting about Thomas Chatterton. A Bristol-born poet who moved to London to make a living from writing poetry and articles for journals. He committed suicide,  because he felt he was a failure, and was in despair.  He was only 17, his dates were 1732-50. He is remembered in Bristol - but also more widely because of the pre-Raphaelite  picture Death of Chatterton, painted by Henry Wallis.
If you are sharp eyed you can also see the Queen with her David Bowie make up on.  Also 2 owls.

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