
By PixelChristi

Bridge project - continued

I came away quite pleased today. I've shifted over to the Road Bridge properly and took a wander around South Queensferry today focussing on the area where the bridge lands in the town properly.

This is the main one from today - but I got a number of others which I'd love your opinion on. Sometimes I get a bit too close to the work and need a fresh perspective to see whether I'm on the right track or not.

You can see the other candidates over at my Behance "work in progress" section: http://www.behance.net/PixelChristi/wip - feel free to put the boot in. I need the feedback. :)

For proper context of the project - see here.

Apologies to my commenter from earlier - I've changed the image now as I actually got something out of today's shoot worth posting. I'll be more patient with my blips from now on. Blame it on my new gadget. :) Previous words below for context.

My Office

Well, one of them. I come here when I'm on a South Queensferry "Bridge shoot". It's a good bolt hole in bad weather and they do a fine coffee and gluten free flapjack.

Much to my horror they seem to be selling the fireplace. I hope they replace it with an even bigger one and aren't getting rid of it completely.

Right. Time to finish my coffee and get my gear ready.

/sorry. Phone pic again. It's s new toy. What can I say? /

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