Looking down off the terrace

An interesting day. Was out in the garden before breakfast to weed a bit where lately the bees have been so busy. I am highly allergic so had to beat them up. Armed with gumboots and gloves got it sorted before they were out of bed. This morning practicing carols to help with a community cuppa on Friday.
Talked with Lorraine on the phone as haven’t got time to go down but can’t get the blasted computer programme working so it’s back to the iPad
My blip is taken leaning over the terrace, I love this pink climber with the white bush roses in front and my brain has gone out the window as both them are well known and can’t think of them. I know all of a sudden it’s shot back into my head,the pink is Bantry Bay. Will come back when I remember the white one
Back again the white one is Iceberg

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