Egg Cup

Sold in cheap sets of two some years ago, one of those heavily discounted throw-away sales... so why not.  Never had an excuse to shoot it before, but an outdoor shot wasn't in the stars today -- nothing but grey, wet weather.

To be honest, I can't remember very well how I spent the day, which can only mean that I didn't do all that much.  The Viking filed the papers in MNL, so that's done.  In the evening, AW left for live bridge in Oudenbosch.  There is really not that much for me to do this week because my students are having their exams.  This despite the fact that my extended contract with more hours begins this week.  However, the empty hours I'm spending now will be more than made up next week, when I'll be burning both ends of the digital candle, with Toon's six first-year classes, and their presentation exams the week after, plus my own correction work of four classes of second-year academic essays, some 80 in number.

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