
By Sailorwoman

Bits of the sea

On one of our last days in Barbados we went to Martin's Bay - we snorkeled out to the reef - I found this beautiful valley with huge coral heads enclosing a sandy floor - on the coral huge sea fans were growing and swaying in the current - they occasionally get broken off and washed in to the beach.

To the left are bits of conch shell from the beach. Just in front is a perfectly round and smooth bit of glass (was the bottom of a bottle) I found there too. To the left of the left of the conch bits is a candleholder I made a while ago from bits of driftwood.

Tired as I was I stayed up til 2 in the morning unpacking, sorting, catching up with emails - slept in til 11 this morning!

Thank you for all your comments - much appreciated and warmly received!

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