
By LooseCanon

Identity theft

It wasnt a particularly inspiring day for blips today and then this popped through my letterbox.

A quick phone call to Barclays Credit revealed that my identity has been cloned and some b@@@@rd is applying for credit in my name.

I have spent the rest of the day trying to sort this mess out. It's really complicated requiring registration with Experian & Equifax etc and, of course, the onus is on me to prove it Aaaarrrggghhhh!!!!

A call to Action Fraud was very helpful and reassuring.

It's a bit of a coincidence that this has followed on so soon after my car was broken into and my camera gear stolen. I don't think there were any personal identifiers in there and certainly no credit cards. It's also odd that my Barclays Debit card and HSBC Credit Cards were both compromised within 24 hours.

One good thing is that the Photoguard insurance people have agreed to pay for my camera gear

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