Allotment 2022 onwards

By misetak

Stolen from the bees

Another quick lunchtime visit to get out of the house and get some fresh air.  These flowers were taken from the back border, which is usually left for the wildlife.  However the bees have been ignoring these and enjoying the borage that is still flowering madly, so I don't think they have done too badly.
Extra 1: I finally planted the elephant garlic, with the position marked by the white pegs.  The further row is from the Cornish garlic farm and the nearer row from Marshalls (at double the price).  If the Cornish works, we will just get that in future.  I'm trying to decide if I put the conventional garlic in here as well or somewhere else on the plot, in which case some broad beans will probably go in here.
Extra 2: the cold frame next to the shed.  I need to work out what is still alive, what might be alive or at least a second chance and what is definitely dead.  Then it needs to be weeded and re-chipped ready for the winter residents that are stacking up elsewhere.  So that is the next job on the list.

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