Flower Friday - Bottle Brush

A trip to the cinema at midday and saw "Glass Onion" with Daniel Craig and it was an ok film, would I go back to another?
I'm undecided!
Avatar looks good though.

Flowers twice on the trot for me!
Yesterday it was Flower Fursday and Flower Friday today so I Blipped what I thought was a Pohutukawa tree but turned out to be a Melaleuca Citrina (Bottle Brush) tree. I had to look up its correct name!

Took Kasper for his afternoon walk and when we were at our furthest point away from the car we had a downpour so as I am like an old car (I don't run) we both got a little damp.

Tomorrow I have had a request to take a series of pictures of which one, at least, will be a Blip all will be revealed tomorrow.

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