Bitter River

By shaun22

Feeding God to the Lions

by Bullet Train to Vegas

no class today, so i went for a walk.
took some pics i kinda liked,
and as my memory card was filling i headed home
and encountered this.

apparently this guy stood out (with another guy earlier in the day)
from 11am-5pm essentially lecturing about god.
this guy was the whole super-religious package:
we had the anti drugs / alcohol lecture,
the anti gay lecture,
the anti muslim lecture,
anti tattoo/ piercing lecture,
the one 'true' bible lecture,
and many others-
all within the half hour i was standing there.
some people had been there all afternoon.

he didnt have any supporters..
the entire crowd was criticizing his very conservative viewpoint,
and were able to make him contradict himself every few sentences.
he promises to return tomorrow, same time, same place,
and encouraged all of us sinners to bring all of our sinner friends.
i guess this kind of reaction could be expected
in the most liberal county in the state of Ohio.

he seemed awfully anti-(everything) for someone so dedicated
to a religion based on universal love of mankind,
and reserving judgement for god.
he also seemed fixed on trying to motivate change
using fear of a judgement day.

ive always wondered what exactly goes through a person's mind
when he/she wake up in the morning
and decide to do this with his/her day.

i have to admit that some of the things bothered me.
i knew a portion of the crowd around him,
and in my opinion theyre good people.
i couldnt understand how he would focus on such tiny things-
like the fact that i have my eyebrow pierced-
and make it sound like i was offending god with it and
that i was going to burn in hell for ever and ever
(except he said ever about 10 more times).

yes, im a bit biased on the subject, i admit it.
but this sticks out more than anything about my day,
and shares a scrap of my feelings towards it.

i have nothing against religion.
i just dont understand when people speak at large gatherings
and attack other groups of people for their beliefs.

this is another angle on him,
showing the people immediately surrounding him.

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