
Well the weather has been wet and grey all day. 

As we were getting ready this morning I had a frantic phonecall from Eddie , Joan's boyfriend.  He had been trying to get hold of her and she wasn't answering her phone and he was worried because she had had a general anesthetic yesterday.  Well i threw my shoes on and so did Xander and I ran round in my jammies.  Poor Joan must have gotten a fright as I rattled her letterbox so loud. Thankfully she had only been sleeping.  But I told Eddie to always call me if he's worried.  They live in separate houses . 

We had a lovely catch up with my twin afterwards and then a lovely afternoon at nana and grandads . One of my extras is a mono of their ceiling Xmas lights. 

We then popped into homebase for another unicorn unit and some dinosaur ones. Poor Carson still isn't himself but a santa hat cheered him up. And he kept saying " hello mummy,  it's me Carson santa " 

I shall be having a early night.  I rolled onto my shoulder during the night and have been awake since just after 1 am. 

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