Christmas Fairs

This morning, returning to the Mulberry Tree in Morningside to purchase gifts I'd spotted yesterday, we noticed a mortise gauge on the shelf. This seemed an unusual item to find in the shop and began a conversation about it, learning that Garvald Christmas Bazaar, held this weekend in their premises on Gorgie Road, also sold tools. Most of those donated but not needed in the workshop are checked and reconditioned to be sent to Malawi but some tools are not acceptable, so these are sold to raise funds. We had a very happy time rummaging through boxes of hand tools of various vintage, quality and use, coming away with a couple of interesting items. After a browse through the stalls of beautiful wooden items made on the premises and coffee and delicious mince pie (all we could manage despite the huge array of bread and preserves) in the bakery, we set off for Davidson's Mains.

As last year, we decided to attend the Christmas Fair at Sallymair's church in Davidson's Mains, spending a pleasant time browsing the stalls then took our coffee (served by Sally in her Christmas jumper, see extra) into the church to sit down. This is the East window, depicting the newborn Christ with the shepherds and wise men.

While we drank we listened to an organist rehearsing, impressed by his expertise and discovered that he is only 14 years old. He is not the resident organist but seems well qualified to become one before long.
Then it was back to the car and home for a late lunch and to tick off a few names on the Christmas list.

I was very sad to hear the news that Doddie Weir had died, after a diagnosis in 2016 for MND. May he rest in peace. 

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