Still hanging on

That applies to Covid as well as the leaves. Annoyingly thick head/sinus/blocked nose stage has returned.

However we have had a productive day with more clearing out, this time all #1 daughter’s old school work books. We’ve also put theirs in a pile to go to #2 and 3 for them to decide what to do with it all. Another enormous bag contained knitting patterns from 1950s to 1970s, most of which had been cut from magazines by my mother. They all went in the bin.

Then we had a short walk along the road where I took the above photo. Shona and Rob were in their garden so we had a distant chat. When I mentioned we had a box of old DVDs Shona thought she’d like a look before they went to the charity shop. Rob groaned. Then when she heard about the patterns she got very enthusiastic. Rob groaned further. (She has kept all her school and uni work as well as that of her children). Rob says the luftwaffe got rid of all his family junk for him. We have removed the patterns from the bin and they await her collection from the back porch.

I have culled a few pages from my cook book but really I must get rid of more.

Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments on yesterday’s blip.

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