Hev’s Journal

By Hevkk

Ignore At Your Peril

Never in a million years could I have guessed that I would use my wedding ring, engagement ring and (my mother-in-law's) half eternity ring as my blip for Derelict Sunday. But here they are and it's all my own fault.

This follows on from my Blip yesterday where I casually joked that my finger was fine, I could ignore it, all would be well. It went through my mind then that just to be on the safe side I should remove the rings, But I ignored my instincts and woke up to a very red, very swollen finger and three rings trying to cut my blood supply off (it was getting close to that point). I still tried to ignore it with a nice bag of peas to sort the swelling (made no difference) until a nurse friend said I needed to get them removed immediately.

And boy did it hurt. The hospital staff were so worried about destroying my rings that they tried a clever technique that could gradually twist them over the swollen knuckle. It almost worked on the first one but unfortunately got stuck even more to the point I passed out with the pain. So cutting it was the only option. And that wasn't much fun either.

Still, all was well. No fractures, and the finger is so much better now it can breathe again. And the staff at the local community hospital were absolutely wonderful. They kept apologising to me!

Let this be a warning to anyone who might do something similar. But then again, I am sure no-one else would be as silly as me.

Jak wasn't happy at leaving me in the hospital all morning. Mr K said he guarded the door the whole time I was gone. Perhaps he guessed it might have been just a little bit his fault.

If you can stand it, Mr K has 'very kindly' blipped my finger https://www.blipfoto.com/BobKennedyPhoto

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