
By fairyhedgehog


I managed a walk with Neil but we got rained on so we cut it rather short.

I've written 2,300 words today and I'm nearly caught up. I've also nearly finished the test crochet blanket I'm making. I did three loads of washing and some Duolingo.

Tomorrow we pick up a friend to stay. She's been isolating to protect us but tomorrow we will still be isolating from her, so it will be masks and eating separately. If we all test clear on Tuesday, the masks can come off. It's two months now since I came down with covid and I still get out of breath going upstairs. I'm not keen to get it again.

I've turned off comments for now because I just can't keep up. If anyone is desperate to say something to me there is an email address in my profile.

I'll be properly back as soon as I can because you are all so lovely in here.

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