Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Surprise visitor

Today I was at Bonnyrigg for a Christmas Market. Wasn't sure on this one but as it turns out it wasn't bad at all. My first customer of the day was the lovely Jennie, (pictured) an old work friend, I haven't seen in her in a few years so it was lovely to catch up with her and her husband and meet their wee ones for the first time (I'm in no doubt that Ivy would like a pink phone for Christmas, lol).

I also had another old work friend unexpectedly pop by with her mum and a friend. And I met some online customers in real life for the first time too.

That was market 9/9 for November.
It's been bonkers but I made it, which a few weeks ago I really wasn't confident I would.
Another three weeks of 'bat sh*t' and then all my markets will be done and the pressure will finally be off a bit.

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