a pet…


of the boo

in stealth mode

of what, i am - not certain but - what i am - certain of is this - she was cooperative - and that’s a - score for me - because i’d had - something else lined up - but then she - and i were in - the reading room together - and suddenly she began - to mess around - with who knows what - it was that - invisible something kittie-boo’s - find which humans - often cannot see - and i happened to have - my phone handy - and started snapping - in her face trying - to get close-ups

the boo isn’t always - appreciative of my efforts - but this time - she relented and - well, those golden eyes - of hers speak for themselves - so i had to - ditch my other - idea to go with - the boo and frankly - i’ll always pick her - it’s no contest - she will constantly make it…


happy day.....

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