
By wingpig

trip chaining

Whilst we had to walk up to his drama club thing as we were accompanied by an additional child, we were able to swiftly get from the Pleasance (leaving the class half an hour early) to the Leith Community Treatment Centre in less than half an hour and in perfect time for his second vaccination appointment, only to find that because he turned twelve in between his first invitation and being able to get the first jab following his most recent infection that he would have to head elsewhere as they could only deliver child's doses there. Fortunately, Ocean Terminal was only five more minutes further away, but by the time we'd waited for forty minutes outside when it turned out that they'd run out of vaccine and had sent someone out to fetch more, he could have just stayed to the end of the class.
Fotunately, he seems to have no trouble operating this bike or its gears, which gives me a bit f breathing space to find him his own bike. Given how infrequently this one it used, he could even just kee this until he's tall enough to cope with one of mine, though one is a singlespeed and one has stupid bar-end gear friction-shifters which I only tolerate because I've had ten years to get used to them and can appreciate that they're at least better than downtube shifters. The other possibility, on which I am very keen, is that I could get a cargo-ish sort of bike, perhaps an Elephant, which could fit either of us.

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