I Know I'm A Princess.....

...... you don't have to keep telling me!

Another warm day, but not as bad as yesterday.

After dancing, Mia came home and went in the pool.

When she was done, I asked if she wanted to help me put some more decorations up.

Some are quite interesting: -

There are the cat's toy mice laid out in front of the Advent calendar.  As if they are having a bit of a party.

There's a Father Christmas balanced precariously on one of the Lemax houses.

And some more characters going up and down a bridge.

And of course, a lot of extra baubles hanging off the Christmas trees, especially around the bottom.

You learn a lot from children, they put things in places you'd never even dream of.

She had a lot of fun, and I enjoyed her chatter, - ' Look Grandma, this looks so much better like this.  Can I put this here?  I like this one, it's got a dog in it.  Oh, these are shiny.'

And she told me all about Jingles the naughty elf at home, who left biscuit crumbs everywhere.  And wondering what he is going to get up to tonight.  (Good luck to Mummy thinking up new exploits for him every night!)

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