Advent window

Tuesday 29th November 2022

A very foggy day here. I had a meeting in Liverpool this morning and then went into the Cathedral for lunch with a colleague. Just after I got home I had a call from the garage to say my car was ready! My local garage had had to send it to another garage and their mechanic is off sick. Apparently the other garage said it would be next Monday or Tuesday. The owner of the local garage, a member of my congregation, said "it's the Vicar's car and it's her busy time of year, she really needs it back and at a good price." They worked on it late last night and returned it this afternoon ... and it was cheaper than I had anticipated. Even my local guy was surprised! It's not what you know but who you know! :-)

I spent quite a bit of time this evening finishing our Advent window, which was started at Messy Church. No-one else was willing to do it as it wasn't easy ... but someone had to do it, so that was me! I just hope it looks ok when it goes up. It is all systems go here at the moment getting lights up and setting up for our Advent windows event this weekend. At least I won't be stuck for blips, with 16 windows to photograph! 

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