Got to be another misty one

It never cleared today at all. It's funny how sounds in the wood when it's misty can be distorted, I thought I could hear people talking over the other side and they suddenly came up behind me, it can be spooky.

After dog walk we went to Castleford to get Paula a battery for her watch, not many lights or decorations up, I think most places are cutting back.
We also called in B & M got lots of treats and food for the dog and cat as it's cheaper.
I got some Bakers complete soft food for Tanzy to mix with her dinner as it said for small dogs and I know she doesn't like big stuff which I had at home. When I got home I got the other pack out to check the difference in size and they were the same then I realised the pack at home was also for small dogs. hey ho old

Plus I had made an appointment at the dentist for 14th Dec at 2pm to see about my sensitive teeth (2  of them), and guess what Paula got an appointment at the hospital Dec 14th at 4pm isn't that just "sods law" as my old boss used to say. Anyhow I changed my appointment.

It's raining lightly at the moment so lets hope it clears the fog.

Good night all

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