we had weather

We had weather almost all day. None of my interesting lenses is weather-resistant. We had about three minutes with no rain so I ran out into the woods, frightened two deer, and took this picture. Then I ran home in the rain. 

Kazakhstan is taking advantage of Russia's weakness. Kazakhstan has deepened ties with China, Turkey, and Europe, and wooed Western companies that left Russia. Kazakhstan is also providing refuge to tens of thousands of Russian men fleeing military conscription. Their president met Macron yesterday. He has repeatedly voiced support for Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty.

Russian hardliners suggested Kazakhstan be next for Russia to invade. China's Xi made Kazakh the first country he visited since the pandemic began and he promised to support Kazakh erritorial integrity. Turkish President Erdogan said something similar during a visit in October. 

The E.U. signed a memorandum of understanding with Kazakhstan on the supply of green hydrogen and rare-earth metals.
The BBC had an article about how NATO is holding together against Russia because of Russian atrocities. Russia invaded largely to stop Ukraine from getting closer to the west and now Sweden and Finland have asked to join NATO. Russia invaded to create an empire to bring back the good times of the czars, and countries that used to cower to it now openly defy it. Every war crime they commit in Ukraine results in more financial and military aid. Every blackmail threat they make to Europe's energy supply leads to more investment to guarantee Europe is never dependent on them again. The images of tortured and executed civilians tamp any calls from anyone who isn't so rich that they toss cars into space for Ukraine to cede territory - and with it people - to Russia. 

NATO officials themselves are surprised at how united they are. The media has long been predicting Ukraine fatigue. Most of Europe though is shocked at the threat so close to them. This is having an impact that Russian war crimes in Syria and Chechnya did not. NATO, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, and Australia sense that if Putin wins, no one is safe. Leadership in France, Germany, and Italy, initially soft in their support, have become stronger. 

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