It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Thursday 1st December 2022

I was back at the crem first thing this morning and seeing more pictures in the floor! I'm getting quite mesmerised by it! 

It was then a bit of a Vicar of Dibley day. I attended a Christmas meal for the Parkinson's Group at lunch time, just a sandwich buffet, followed by entertainment. It was a local comedian. Lots of people were roaring with laughter, I'm obviously on a different wave length! 

I checked up on the setting up process in church. A lot of hard working going on and still more to do, but the windows were all done and switched on and they look amazing! I'll have no problem with blips for the next few weeks. 

This evening was the second Christmas meal of the day, this time for Mothers' Union. Another cold buffet but a very superior one, followed by some in house entertainment. 

A very full day and I'm ready for bed. 

Of course, Advent calendars start the countdown today. Mine is counting down to something else as well this year, something special. More of that later!

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